
White Paper


This page is about investigating the imperatives of mathematics and computation in a cardinal new way by comprehending the fundamental principles of emergence, development and evolution in biology. The goal is  to develop a set of novel mathematical formalisms capable of addressing the multiple facets of an integral model and a general theory of biocomputation within an adequate frame of relevance. Its base is the realization of a long-term fundamental research programme in mathematics, biology and computation that we call Integral Biomathics. This effort is a continuation of the 2011 INBIOSA project (EU FP7 grant number 269961). The journey has just begun.

The INBIOSA initiative has two specialised branches at the moment: a) iBioMath, a non-profit organisation dedicated to knowledge dissemination and education in the field of Integral Biomathics, and b) IRIANC,  the International Research Institute on Anticipatory and Naturalistic Computation, targeting the constitution and organisation of collaboration research projects, funded by government and non-government sponsors.       



A new 2017 special issue of the Elsevier Journal Progress of Biophysics and Molecular Biology  (JPBMB) dedicated to Integral Biomathics under the title:

The Necessary Conjunction of the Western and Eastern Thought Traditions for Exploring the Nature of Mind and Life

Guest Editors: Plamen L. Simeonov, Arran Gare, Koichiro Matsuno, Amir U. Igamberdiev

Free  promotional access until June 20th. 2018 to all articles of the focused issue:

Earlier Activities

Milestones on the way:  IB-Book                


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