
  1. Initiator of the first biology-driven synthesis of mathematics and computation (WLIMES) for the design and implementation of virtual physician agents assisting the diagnostics and therapy in personalized medicine.
  2. Initiator and coordinator of the INtegral BIOmathics Support Action project (INBIOSA, EC FP7 FET Grant Nr. 269961), the first world-wide community for Integral Biomathics (2011).
  3. Initiator, chief architect and project lead of the first ActiveUMTS trial for adaptable bandwidth QoS management in mobile video communications: MediaPEP, the “Odysseus-2001” project (2001) at Siemens.
  4. Initiator, chief archite
    ct and project lead of the first worldwide MPEG-4 video streaming application on mobile terminals over GSM and GPRS (9.6 – 24 Kbps) at the CeBIT’2000 industry fair in Hannover, Germany: Wireless Video Gateway, the “Quadriga-2000” project (2000) at Siemens.
  5. Initiator, chief architect and project lead of the first European integrated multimedia messaging telco platform (prototype): SmartNode, the “@INGate” project (1997) at Siemens.
  6. Seven inventions with 3 EU and 1 World patents in the area of intelligent multimedia telecommunications.
  7. Over 80 research papers and reports in the areas of very-large-scale integration system design, computer graphics/ CAD, image processing, visual interfaces, system modelling, software engineering, formal specification and design of telecommunications architectures and services, AI/Alife, Integral Biomathics, biocomputing and precision medicine.
  8. Lead guest editor of 3 special journal issues on Integral Biomathics of the Elsevier’s Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (2013, 2015, 2017).
  9. Program committee member, Symposium Natural/Unconventional Computing and Its Philosophical Significance at AISB/IACAP Turing World Congress, Birmingham, UK, 2012.
  10. Initiator, organizer and program committee member: iBioMath’2011-Am, San Jose, CA, USA, 2011.
  11. Initiator, organizer and program committee member: iBioMath’2011-Eu, Paris, France, 2011.
  12. Initiator, organizer and program committee member: ACIB’11, Stirling, Scotland, UK, 2011.
  13. Session chairman “Networking Protocols”, NCA’05, Boston, MA, USA, 2005.
  14. Session chairman “Multimedia Systems and Applications”, IMSA’02, Kauai, HI, USA, 2002.
  15. Session chairman “Applications”, ICCC’97, Cannes, France, 1997.

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