- Initiator of the first biology-driven synthesis of mathematics and computation (WLIMES) for the design and implementation of virtual physician agents assisting the diagnostics and therapy in personalized medicine.
- Initiator and coordinator of the INtegral BIOmathics Support Action project (INBIOSA, EC FP7 FET Grant Nr. 269961), the first world-wide community for Integral Biomathics (2011).
- Initiator, chief architect and project lead of the first ActiveUMTS trial for adaptable bandwidth QoS management in mobile video communications: MediaPEP, the “Odysseus-2001” project (2001) at Siemens.
- Initiator, chief archite
ct and project lead of the first worldwide MPEG-4 video streaming application on mobile terminals over GSM and GPRS (9.6 – 24 Kbps) at the CeBIT’2000 industry fair in Hannover, Germany: Wireless Video Gateway, the “Quadriga-2000” project (2000) at Siemens. - Initiator, chief architect and project lead of the first European integrated multimedia messaging telco platform (prototype): SmartNode, the “@INGate” project (1997) at Siemens.
- Seven inventions with 3 EU and 1 World patents in the area of intelligent multimedia telecommunications.
- Over 80 research papers and reports in the areas of very-large-scale integration system design, computer graphics/ CAD, image processing, visual interfaces, system modelling, software engineering, formal specification and design of telecommunications architectures and services, AI/Alife, Integral Biomathics, biocomputing and precision medicine.
- Lead guest editor of 3 special journal issues on Integral Biomathics of the Elsevier’s Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology (2013, 2015, 2017).
- Program committee member, Symposium Natural/Unconventional Computing and Its Philosophical Significance at AISB/IACAP Turing World Congress, Birmingham, UK, 2012.
- Initiator, organizer and program committee member: iBioMath’2011-Am, San Jose, CA, USA, 2011.
- Initiator, organizer and program committee member: iBioMath’2011-Eu, Paris, France, 2011.
- Initiator, organizer and program committee member: ACIB’11, Stirling, Scotland, UK, 2011.
- Session chairman “Networking Protocols”, NCA’05, Boston, MA, USA, 2005.
- Session chairman “Multimedia Systems and Applications”, IMSA’02, Kauai, HI, USA, 2002.
- Session chairman “Applications”, ICCC’97, Cannes, France, 1997.