

Management: concept design engineering, innovation management, business development, strategic product planning, acquisition & management of international projects, research coordination, teaching, editorship. 

R&D: Complex Systems, Network Technology / Telematics (Active Networks, QoS, Routing, Wireless Multimedia), 3G/4G/5G Mobile Networks and Applications, System Architectures (Cloud, Grid and Pervasive Computing), Image/Video Encoding, 3DTV/HDTV/DVB/IPTV, Computer Graphics and Animation, CAD/CASE, Formal System Specification and Verification, Software Engineering, Compiler Design, Digital Switching and Micro-/Nanosystems, Theoretical Physics, Theoretical Biology.. 

Computing systems and applications: 35+ years hands-on experience in diverse programming techniques languages and systems from mainframe to PC and to embedded / wireless systems. 

IPO: Technology evaluation of 16 start-up companies for investment by the corporate VC. 

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